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How to Craft a Personal Branding Statement

When we deliver our personal branding workshops and training, one of the exercises is to have people work on a Personal Branding Statement.

How to craft a personal branding statement

The 3 step process starts with what we call “5 in 5” where we all sit down with a partner and talk for five minutes about:

  • Their educational experience
  • Their work experience
  • What they love about what they do
  • What they find hard
  • Where they want to be in 3 years time

We use that information and our internal compass to define and establish a Professional Purpose – the reason why we do what we do and (beyond money) why we get out of bed in the morning.

How to do a Competitive Analysis as You Build Your Personal Brand

When it comes to digital marketing per se, one of the biggest gaps I see companies unable to fill is the real-time understanding of what their competition is up to. During my sixteen years in digital, I’ll be the first to admit being so down in the weeds executing on the tactical plan that I’ve not had the wherewithal to run a competitive analysis and notice what my competition has been up to.

How to do a competitive analysis for your personal brand

Having learned that lesson, one of the first things we do at Delightful with our clients is conduct a competitive analysis to see who’s out there, what they are doing well and where the opportunities are to differentiate and stand out.

Competitive analysis is as important for you and your personal brand as it is for the company you work for. Understanding what other people in your niche are doing, saying and how successful they are is crucial to personal branding success and here are a few things you can do to figure out who they are, their impact and what you can do to wrestle attention away from them and onto you.

How to Optimize Your Personal Brand Online

Those of you who have been enjoying this series on creating the Perfect Personal Branding Strategy will know we’ve been talking a lot about being conscious of what content we share, finding our professional purpose, and ultimately improving your personal brand online.

While not super-practical, the more theoretical steps are designed to get you thinking about being more thoughtful and disciplined about how you present yourself both on/offline and improve digital presence.

How to optimize your personal brand online

Today I’m sharing a checklist of more actionable tips you can use to optimize your personal brand so you’re more discoverable, shareable and memorable:

Get a Professional Headshot

I’ve talked about this in a previous post, but no harm in giving you another nudge on this!

How to Learn to Listen and Practice Empathy

One of the top requests we get from prospective personal branding clients here at Delightful is from executives wanting to be seen as thought leaders in their field.

They understandably want to build their personal brand around their expertise, but during the analysis phase of the framework we’ve designed, there’s often a huge gap between how often they broadcast and how often they’re intent on listening and showing empathy.

Learn to listen and practice empathy

The biggest misnomer when it comes to personal branding is that the focus should be all about you.

Yes, it’s your personal brand we’re trying to uncover and grow, but in order to make the best, most well-rounded impression on the people in your sphere, you need to practice the art of listening and being empathetic.

Whether online or in-person, growing your network is important if you’re going to amplify the message that you’re a go-to person in your field for information or advice. Too often, though, you run the risk of showing up on social networks or at events with an agenda that smacks of self-service, and after a while, that attitude wears thin and does not reflect well on you.

What professionals looking to position themselves well in their industry need to do well is strike a balance between talking about themselves, and asking questions of others. It’s human nature to talk about ourselves (especially in professional situations) because it makes us feel good. Whether we’re happy about ourselves at that particular moment in time or not, it feels good to vocalize whatever is on our mind.

If it feels good for you, then it will feel good for other people, right? So make sure you take an interest and ask questions.

How to Build a Personal Branding Strategy

As more and more people are coming to Delightful for insight and help with how to build a personal branding strategy and tell their professional stories, we decided to embark on a series of blog posts that gives readers a sense of what they need to think about when putting together a strategy to help build their personal brands and make them more Discoverable, Sharable and Memorable.

This post has been revised and updated based on the feedback we have had from our book on Amazon that has been getting rave reviews:

Introduction to Personal Branding: Ten Steps Towards a New Professional You

We’ve renamed the series: How to Build a Personal Branding Strategy.

Video: How to Get Started with Influencer Marketing > Webcertain TV

Earlier this month I was invited onto Webcertain TV to share some thoughts and wisdom on how to get started with influencer marketing.


In this 12 minutes video, we discuss the ins and outs of influencer marketing including how to get started with influencer marketing, how to integrate influencer marketing with your social media and content strategy, how to find and approach influencers online, what influencer marketing technologies are available out there, what to measure and how to align your influencer program with your business goals, and more.

Check it out…

Infographic: Your Personal Branding Strategy in 10 Steps

We’ve received tons of positive feedback since the launch of our latest eBook: Introduction to Personal Branding: 10 Steps Toward a New Professional You, which is also live now on Audible and iTunes as an audio book!


We are thrilled that the book has helped our readers to start paying more attention to their personal brand and more importantly, actually making plans and taking action to improve their personal brand and be more discoverable, shareable and memorable:

“This is by far the most-bookmarked book (per page-capita) on my Kindle today. I’ve already set up a site, paid attention to image names, tweaked my LinkedIn profile, and more based on Mel’s tips.” – S. Weise

How to Create a Media List for PR Outreach Using

Media List

If you’re in the business of building media lists for PR outreach, you may use an established database from a company like Cision or PRNewswire.

While those tools are an excellent resource, they can be expensive, so we’ve put together a video for (I’m their US Brand Ambassador) to show how you can use link data to figure out who is writing about what AND know how influential and authoritative they are as a writer or publication.

Thank You #BrightonSEO

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to grace the stage at the Brighton Dome in the South of England at the fabulous #BrightonSEO conference.


The conference organizer – the hugely talented and affable Kelvin Newman – had taken a punt on me doing a talk on Personal Branding, a subject not regularly heard about from the stage of major digital marketing conferences.

Why Personal Branding? Because It’s Becoming a Real Thing!

As we have had such an amazing response to the book we published on Amazon in January, we have and will continue to put the message out there for Personal Branding.

It’s relevant, practical, and imperative in today’s digital age. But beyond that, it is fun, internally and externally rewarding, and invaluable to the individual pursuing and aiming to fulfill their professional purpose daily.


And here is my favorite part: others are beginning to understand what all the commotion is about too.

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