digital pr Archive

Webinar: Beyond SEO – Loving Link Data for Social Media Digital PR and More

Some of you might know that one of my many Delightful hats is actually more of a crown.

A Majestic SEO crown.


For over a year now, I’ve been lucky enough to act as Brand Ambassador for Majestic here in the USA, and speak at conferences about their incredible “big data” toolset.

My remit is to help broaden the audience for the brand and get other digital marketers enthused about getting smart with link data and using it for more than just SEO (search engine optimization).

I’ve done a couple of presentations this year and a couple of blog posts too about how best to use what Majestic has to offer, and on Friday 6th December at 9.30am PST (5.30pm GMT) I’ll be delivering a webinar on how businesses can use their tools for influencer discovery, digital PR and competitive analysis.

If you’re interested in hearing some top tips, feel free to register for FREE below:

Beyond SEO – Loving Link Data for Social Media Digital PR and More

If you know anyone in PR or social media that you think might benefit from a talk like this, please share this post!

How To Use Social Media For PR Tips & Best Practice from #SESSF

Social Media & Digital PR – A Marriage Made in Heaven #SESSF from Mel Carson
SES San Francisco was as awesome an event as ever, full of some of the best advice on search engine marketing, social media and digital advertising from thought leaders from all over the world.
I was speaking on the first day on Social Media and PR Best Practices in a session called The Marriage of Social Media and PR. It was great fun and the audience was very engaged. Lots of head-nodding and activity on Twitter.
The essence of my presentation was to show how digital had changed the landscape of how business does public relations, and that it’s all about putting the public back into PR and not focusing so solely on press.
According to Experian, we spend 27% of our time on social networks and just 2% on news sites, so optimizing your PR  content for social channels has become more and more important.
Take a look at the presentation, and if it resonates take a look at what Delightful can offer your business in the field of Digital PR.
I also encourage your to buy Lisa Buyer’s new book Social PR Secrets. She’s one smart lady!
Thanks for your time,


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