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Introduction to Personal Branding Book Now in Paperback

With the Introduction to Personal Branding Kindle eBook out for just over a year racking up five-star reviews on Amazon, we decided (inspired by our friend Karl Sakas’ pocket guide for agency leaders) to work with the fine people at CreateSpace and publish a paperback version of the book.

Personal Brand Guide Book

We’re very lucky to have our friend Jason Miller, who heads up Global Content Marketing for LinkedIn, write a few kind words about the book.

This is what he said:

“In today’s incredibly competitive landscape you need to stand out; you need to differentiate yourself from the masses, and personal branding is the answer. But what exactly is a personal brand and where does one even begin to proactively manage how the world sees them?

Enter the modern playbook for taking control of your personal brand, based on real world experience, not some philosophical approach. I wish that I had Mel Carson’s guide when I had to re-invent myself several years ago as it would have saved me from a tremendous amount of trial and error.”

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