#ussearchawards Archive

We’re Helping Judge the US Search Awards – Entries Close this Friday #USSearchAwards

Judge Mel Carson Twitter panel

For the second year running I’ve been asked to judge the US Search Awards which had it’s baptism of fire to much acclaim in Vegas last year at an event few will ever forget.

It’s always a pleasure and eye-opener to see what great work brands and agencies have been up to over the last year and I’m sure 2014’s will be bigger and better.

The entries close this Friday 18th, so get applying here: US Search Awards!

One top tip to bear in mind if you’re applying is: Don’t rush your application and follow the instructions.

It amazes me how some marketing managers charged with submitting their company entry do so in a haphazard way. You have to remember that, as judges, we’re often looking at hundreds of entries, so don’t make yours easy to dismiss on account of its sparseness or lack of signposts that you understand the category and have aligned your success closely to it.

Hoping to see many of you at Pubcon this year to celebrate that great event and the winners of the US Search Awards 2014!

Get submitting those entries NOW!



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