webinar Archive

Which is Best for a B2B Content Marketing Strategy? Webinar or Podcast

webinar vs. podcast

“Should my business invest in a podcast or a webinar?” The short answer to this question: yes.

Choosing between a podcast or a webinar to convey your multimedia message has created a false dichotomy where business decision makers believe they must choose one over the other, implying a single answer is best. The more nuanced answer is that your business should invest in whichever of these technologies will meet your end business goals, or invest in both mediums if the content warrants.

Webinar: Beyond SEO – Loving Link Data for Social Media Digital PR and More

Some of you might know that one of my many Delightful hats is actually more of a crown.

A Majestic SEO crown.


For over a year now, I’ve been lucky enough to act as Brand Ambassador for Majestic here in the USA, and speak at conferences about their incredible “big data” toolset.

My remit is to help broaden the audience for the brand and get other digital marketers enthused about getting smart with link data and using it for more than just SEO (search engine optimization).

I’ve done a couple of presentations this year and a couple of blog posts too about how best to use what Majestic has to offer, and on Friday 6th December at 9.30am PST (5.30pm GMT) I’ll be delivering a webinar on how businesses can use their tools for influencer discovery, digital PR and competitive analysis.

If you’re interested in hearing some top tips, feel free to register for FREE below:

Beyond SEO – Loving Link Data for Social Media Digital PR and More

If you know anyone in PR or social media that you think might benefit from a talk like this, please share this post!

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