bing ads Archive

Banned Ads: Restricted Ad Types for Search and Social Media

We all know paid advertising is an effective and efficient way to reach our online audiences. A lesser-known fact is that digital advertising is not available to everyone. Some types of advertising are banned based on government ad regulations, and other ads are banned on specific platforms. Here are some of the latest changes in online advertising.

Bringing the #JanesOfDigital Event Alive Through Video

Earlier this month, we helped the Bing Ads team create a video of the awesome #JanesOfDigital event that took place at SMX West in San Jose.


The evening mini-seminar slash networking opportunity is the second in an on-going series of get-togethers designed to celebrate women in search and digital marketing.

We partnered with our fabulous editor, Andrew Goddard, at Cherry UK to produce a promo which really captures the atmosphere and buzz surrounding this most excellent occasion.

A particular call out to Sarah Wulf who did an exceptional job as anchor and for asking some great questions, which as you can see, garnered some great answers from the evening’s esteemed panel!

So here is the video. Hope you enjoy…

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We’re Helping Judge the US Search Awards – Entries Close this Friday #USSearchAwards

Judge Mel Carson Twitter panel

For the second year running I’ve been asked to judge the US Search Awards which had it’s baptism of fire to much acclaim in Vegas last year at an event few will ever forget.

It’s always a pleasure and eye-opener to see what great work brands and agencies have been up to over the last year and I’m sure 2014’s will be bigger and better.

The entries close this Friday 18th, so get applying here: US Search Awards!

One top tip to bear in mind if you’re applying is: Don’t rush your application and follow the instructions.

It amazes me how some marketing managers charged with submitting their company entry do so in a haphazard way. You have to remember that, as judges, we’re often looking at hundreds of entries, so don’t make yours easy to dismiss on account of its sparseness or lack of signposts that you understand the category and have aligned your success closely to it.

Hoping to see many of you at Pubcon this year to celebrate that great event and the winners of the US Search Awards 2014!

Get submitting those entries NOW!



Delightful Helps Bing Ads Bring ClickZ Live NY To Life Through Video

One thing I was most proud of during my time at Microsoft were the videos we created at Advertising Week and the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity.


For about four years I’d travel to these events with a plan to bring them alive for people (as my former boss Jenny Leahy used to put it) “outside the room.”

The videos were then used to promote our presence, be repurposed for other marketing activities and really expand the reach of Microsoft Advertising’s investment in those industry get-togethers.

Recently, the guys from Bing Ads asked me to create one for them. This time I did much of the filming and photography myself and we crowd sourced the rest of the content from other Microsoftees on the ground at the event.

The footage was then sent to my go-to video people >> Cherry Media << in the UK who we worked with in New York and Cannes.

And this was the resulting edit:

You do have to invest in good equipment and editing to create great video, but it doesn’t have to cost the earth. With experience you can start to pick up techniques and visualize how an end edit might look as your filming content at events.

Make sure you check back to the Delightful Blog in a couple of weeks when I’ll be giving some tips on what to look for when filming events for social media amplification.

Thanks for reading/watching!


Personal Branding > Learn How to Brand Yourself at ClickZ Live NY

In 3 weeks time I’ll be in New York for ClickZ Live, the digital marketing conference programmed by digital marketers.

ClickZ Live New York

I’m teaming up with the fabulous Erin Zefkeles from Bing Ads to give an expo theater presentation:

Personal Branding – How to Stand Up and Stand Out as a Digital Marketer

The internet is not just crowded with brands vying for consumers’ attention at every turn, it’s jam packed with gurus, experts and aficionados who claim to be “AdWords Obsessed” or “Social Media Divas” who promote themselves as the thing you need to take your business to the next level through digital marketing. In this session, Mel Carson from Delightful Communications and Erin Zefkeles from Bing Ads, will explore why taking care of your personal brand is so very important in the digital age, and how you can position yourself as an authentic, educated and trustworthy source of advice to your clients and potential customers. There won’t be a whiff of snake oil, we promise!

The session will definitely be different by focusing on how individuals can enhance their personal brands through digital, and in turn help the brands they work for.

The ClickZ Live team are a valued client of Delightful’s, and Erin and I are grateful they’re so enthusiastic about letting us bring this kind of wisdom to their audience!

Learn more about how to register for the event here, follow ClickZ Live on Twitter for the scoop in the run up to this awesome event and do check out what Delightful offers in the way of personal branding services.

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