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5 Personal Branding Resolutions for the New Year (Or Anytime Really)

5 Personal Branding Resolutions for the New Year

New years can be a great time to check in with your personal branding efforts. New Year’s Resolutions can be polarizing. Some people swear by them, other’s hate them, others could care less. So, if you love new years resolutions, here are some tips to check in with your branding efforts. But if you hate new years resolutions, it’s still a great time to check in. Plus, these tips can really be applied at any time of the year. So, let’s get into it, shall we?

A 5 Minute Guide to Instagram Stories

Instagram is a platform here to stay. Yet, many people don’t know how to use Instagram Stories to it’s fullest potential.

According to CNBC, Instagram now has 800 million monthly users and 500 million daily users. Those numbers have jumped 160% over the past year since the launch of Instagram stories, the feature that allows users to post stories that last just 24 hours. This feature clearly benefits and entices daily use; don’t forget to check Instagram, that content only lasts 24 hours!

The social media FOMO clicks in and you open the app.

5 minute guide to instagram stories

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