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Banned Ads: Restricted Ad Types for Search and Social Media

We all know paid advertising is an effective and efficient way to reach our online audiences. A lesser-known fact is that digital advertising is not available to everyone. Some types of advertising are banned based on government ad regulations, and other ads are banned on specific platforms. Here are some of the latest changes in online advertising.

Embracing Facebook’s New Newsfeed for Business

We all know the sky has fallen as the wails and cries of marketers everywhere announced Facebook’s de-prioritization of business news in mid-January. The group has emphasized a new focus on news from friends and family. Organic Facebook posts have long been a way for business small and large to affordably reach their audience. In the case of many small businesses, that has been the only way they engage online with their audience. Budgets have been tossed out the window and strategy has been re-plotted at a faster rate than Twitter’s #280.

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