personal brand strategy Archive

5 Personal Branding Mistakes You Could Be Making

Personal Branding and the ideas behind developing your personal brand are increasingly talked about and written about here on the internet. However, personal branding is more than a fad, and we’ve discussed the importance of it here at Delightful for years.

While more and more people are focusing on their personal brands, there are several key mistakes that can happen. These mistakes can be detrimental to the success you’ll have in growing your personal brand.

How to Build a Personal Branding Strategy

As more and more people are coming to Delightful for insight and help with how to build a personal branding strategy and tell their professional stories, we decided to embark on a series of blog posts that gives readers a sense of what they need to think about when putting together a strategy to help build their personal brands and make them more Discoverable, Sharable and Memorable.

This post has been revised and updated based on the feedback we have had from our book on Amazon that has been getting rave reviews:

Introduction to Personal Branding: Ten Steps Towards a New Professional You

We’ve renamed the series: How to Build a Personal Branding Strategy.

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