podcast Archive

Which is Best for a B2B Content Marketing Strategy? Webinar or Podcast

webinar vs. podcast

“Should my business invest in a podcast or a webinar?” The short answer to this question: yes.

Choosing between a podcast or a webinar to convey your multimedia message has created a false dichotomy where business decision makers believe they must choose one over the other, implying a single answer is best. The more nuanced answer is that your business should invest in whichever of these technologies will meet your end business goals, or invest in both mediums if the content warrants.

Amplify Your Personal Brand >> CareerCue Podcast Episode

CareeCue Podcast Personal Branding

In early January, I was invited onto The Career Cue, a podcast focused on career growth, to talk about methods for amplifying your brand with host, Danna Redmond.

We touched on several different topics but started off with something broad—How to differentiate yourself to stand out from other people.

From there, I had a chance to touch on my personal experiences that lead me to the realization of just how important personal branding truly is.

After sharing my story, I talked about my take on why personal branding is important for the average person trying to get his or her next promotion or job, how to brand yourself within a corporate environment, the ins and outs of becoming discoverable, shareable, and memorable, and much, much more.

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