Visual Design Archive

4 Simple Ways to Stay Creative While Working Remote


Before this pandemic threw a spanner in all of our work, experience drove creative inspiration. Eating something new, traveling or meeting new people helped drive ideas and inspire content.

What happens when that is all gone? What happens when the world that inspired your creativity is suddenly unavailable?

If you are reading this, you probably know the marketing world keeps going and well… you need to keep creating. As Delightful’s Visual Design Specialist, here are 4 ways I am helping drive the inspiration necessary to keep creating fresh B2B marketing content.

Introducing Our Newest Team Member – Dan Galan

My name is Dan – a creative thinker and visual storyteller. I am also the newest member here at Delightful Communications. As the Visual Design Specialist, I help the team bring strategies and stories to life visually, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be in this role.

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