content marketing Archive

4 Simple Ways to Stay Creative While Working Remote


Before this pandemic threw a spanner in all of our work, experience drove creative inspiration. Eating something new, traveling or meeting new people helped drive ideas and inspire content.

What happens when that is all gone? What happens when the world that inspired your creativity is suddenly unavailable?

If you are reading this, you probably know the marketing world keeps going and well… you need to keep creating. As Delightful’s Visual Design Specialist, here are 4 ways I am helping drive the inspiration necessary to keep creating fresh B2B marketing content.

4 takeaways for successful global marketing campaigns

“Celebrate Uniqueness” is one of our Delightful principles. With a company culture that encourages inclusivity and diversity, I get the privilege of working with amazing colleagues and clients from different cultures to develop and execute global marketing campaigns.

As someone who grew up in China and now works in the U.S., I’ve been able to see how globalization is bringing different people together to find common ground, but also to realize how huge the difference can be from culture to culture, which is even more prominent in the marketing world.

In this article, I wanted to share with you my biggest takeaways regarding how to develop and keep a global mindset that will help you do cross-cultural and global marketing right.

Introducing our newest team member – Nathan Pfeifer

Delightful employee with bridge in background

After 8+ years in the world of online advertising, working at both Microsoft and AOL (Oath), I would like to introduce myself as the newest member of the Delightful Communications team.

As a Digital Marketing Specialist, I employ several skills I have gained over the years: Establishing relationships, operationalizing workflow, and providing laser-focus to customer needs. I believe in treating the customer with respect, going above and beyond and ALWAYS looking to surprise and delight.

Which is Best for a B2B Content Marketing Strategy? Webinar or Podcast

webinar vs. podcast

“Should my business invest in a podcast or a webinar?” The short answer to this question: yes.

Choosing between a podcast or a webinar to convey your multimedia message has created a false dichotomy where business decision makers believe they must choose one over the other, implying a single answer is best. The more nuanced answer is that your business should invest in whichever of these technologies will meet your end business goals, or invest in both mediums if the content warrants.

Employee Advocacy – How to Increase Your Content Visibility & Engagement

All digital marketers want to increase content visibility. All brands want to increase awareness that leads to trust and conversions—the basics of the business marketing. The trick is finding a competitive and cost-effective way to amplify this brand content. One of the ways to increase this visibility is with employee advocacy. It’s essentially free. People you already pay take a moment to share your new content, increasing visibility, and organic reach. And the commentary on this content is from experts too, as employees have the most detailed knowledge of your brand and its features.

Employee advocacy increases content visibility

How to Use Twitter Analytics for Content Marketing

Keith Reinhard, the chairman emeritus of DDB Worldwide, reminded us on Adweek a couple of weeks ago that marketing and advertising have always been about connecting brands with people, and we need to remember that human nature stays pretty constant.

Although the technology landscape is constantly changing, it’s useful to understand and utilize the constants in our lives (and marketing plans) as well.

Twitter Analytics is one tool that can provide valuable data for marketers to understand people, connect with them, and tell stories they love.

Although we’ve been using Twitter Analytics since it was open to the public, the webinar hosted by Twitter last month gave me some deeper insights, especially on how to use the tool for content marketing.

Twitter Analytics_Content MKT

Know Your Audience

Understanding who you are talking to is an essential step before you start talking. Twitter Analytics can help you with this by providing visualized and easy-understanding data about your followers.

ClickZ Live San Francisco – We’re Speaking on Content Marketing and Big Data

ClickZ Live

We’re off to sunny San Francisco in a week or so for the ClickZ Live digital marketing conference!

I’ll be speaking on behalf of Majestic at a theatre session on Wednesday 13th August entitled: How to Use Link Data to Boost Your Social Media and PR Efforts

The premise behind my talk will be that Big Data has so much more potential than just being a buzzword, and I’ll provide a smorgasbord of ideas and case studies that will show the audience how to quickly and easily get ahead of the competition with a little bit of lateral thinking across the disciplines of social media and digital PR.

Immediately after that I’ll take the stage with the fabulous Katherine Griwert from Brafton on: Scaling Engagement: How to Drive Results with an Efficient Content & Social Strategy

Here’s the blurb on that session:

If you’re interested in engaging customers online, you’re probably already posting content on social media. Even though the average company uses 6 social networks for marketing, they’re largely “unsure” about the results. So how do you know what to post, and when, and where, if you want social ROI that really matters? A multi-channel content approach sounds like a lot, but a smart strategy has built-in opportunities to engage prospects and influencers. In this session, led by content marketer Katherine Griwert and Digital PR specialist Mel Carson, we’ll walk you through tips and tactics on strategic content for social.

You’ll learn answers to common challenges, including:

  • How to tap into social conversations to create engagement-focused content
  • How to carry one content asset across your social pages for maximum ROI
  • What types of unique headlines, hashtags and interactions work on leading networks
  • How to get the right influencers to share your brand’s message for better engagement and reach
  • Simple ways to measure success so you can make intelligent, efficient content choices

Brafton were kind enough to interview me a couple of months back on personal branding strategies and I’m thrilled to be working with them on delivering a top-notch session for the ClickZ Live audience in San Francisco.

Hope to see many of you in California for this fabulous event.

If you won’t make it, we’ll be sure to post the presentations on SlideShare soon.



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