instagram Archive

Why brands need to be using Instagram stories

When Instagram launched the Instagram stories feature in 2016, a steady new stream of off-the-cuff, more everyday content began surfacing on the platform. A loose version of Snapchat, Stories allowed users to showcase more of their lives without it having to be permanently on their page. Hosted right at the top of the main feed, users can scroll to find a specific story to watch, or simply start with the first user visible and watch until the decide to swipe out of stories.

Embracing Facebook’s New Newsfeed for Business

We all know the sky has fallen as the wails and cries of marketers everywhere announced Facebook’s de-prioritization of business news in mid-January. The group has emphasized a new focus on news from friends and family. Organic Facebook posts have long been a way for business small and large to affordably reach their audience. In the case of many small businesses, that has been the only way they engage online with their audience. Budgets have been tossed out the window and strategy has been re-plotted at a faster rate than Twitter’s #280.

A 5 Minute Guide to Instagram Stories

Instagram is a platform here to stay. Yet, many people don’t know how to use Instagram Stories to it’s fullest potential.

According to CNBC, Instagram now has 800 million monthly users and 500 million daily users. Those numbers have jumped 160% over the past year since the launch of Instagram stories, the feature that allows users to post stories that last just 24 hours. This feature clearly benefits and entices daily use; don’t forget to check Instagram, that content only lasts 24 hours!

The social media FOMO clicks in and you open the app.

5 minute guide to instagram stories

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