leadership branding Archive

Leadership Branding: Strategies and Tactics for Executives on Social Media

When I started Delightful Communications back in 2012, one of the niche services we offered executives was called personal branding. At the time, there was a lot of talk about TRUST in business, and I felt strongly that big companies were missing the mark by not having their leaders more visible at a personal level, building trust and engagement through their own personal brands that also benefited the corporate brands they represented.

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Experience in 7 Steps

LinkedIn has become one of the most important tools you can use to help yourself grow professionally. As a thriving, interactive community of more than 700 million professionals worldwide, it’s become a crucial place to set out your professional stall and make a great impression.

Whether you’re on the hunt for your next career play, boosting your business growth, or looking to increase visibility and reach in your industry, crafting a well-done profile experiences section can go a long way to demonstrate your value and build credibility.

By following these 7 steps, your LinkedIn experiences can deliver impact, provide context, and help build your personal or leadership brand. Here’s how to take it beyond the standard resume, helping you stand out from the competition.

How to Build Trust with Effective Leadership Communications

In moments of hardship, people turn towards people, not brands. While only 50% of people trust brands to start, 83% of people trust the opinions of other individuals, according to research from Nielson, and this has never proven more evident than now.

39% of individuals think corporations could do more to put the welfare of their customers above their own profits so, in moments like these, leaders of all industries and company sizes must have communications strategies readied to help show humanity and build trust during these times.

Why Outsourcing your Executive Social Media and Leadership Branding is Worth It


At Delightful Communications we have been working alongside an array of high-tech industry executives since 2012 and have seen firsthand the impact that strategic executive communications & leadership branding can make toward furthering personal and corporate goals.

In that time, we’ve helped many leaders and (often) their communications managers define, establish and elevate their executive online presence and credibility, expand their customer network, attract new professional opportunities, and strengthen all-important brand trust.

Introducing Our Newest Team Member – Victoria Solis

Hey, hi, hello! I’m Victoria Solis, Delightful Communications’ Executive Communications Strategist. I was the dozenth member to come on board at Delightful HQ and am thrilled to be part of such a well-versed and balanced team.

Here at Delightful, I oversee our Executive Communications & Leadership Branding practice. I help our clients unearth what sets them apart as professionals in their field, identify their personal and professional goals and motivations, and help them become more discoverable, shareable, and memorable as leaders at their companies and in the public eye.

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