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How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile Experience in 7 Steps

LinkedIn has become one of the most important tools you can use to help yourself grow professionally. As a thriving, interactive community of more than 700 million professionals worldwide, it’s become a crucial place to set out your professional stall and make a great impression.

Whether you’re on the hunt for your next career play, boosting your business growth, or looking to increase visibility and reach in your industry, crafting a well-done profile experiences section can go a long way to demonstrate your value and build credibility.

By following these 7 steps, your LinkedIn experiences can deliver impact, provide context, and help build your personal or leadership brand. Here’s how to take it beyond the standard resume, helping you stand out from the competition.

How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Photo Public to Everyone

How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Photo Public

Here at Delightful, we’ve helped hundreds of executives and leaders become more discoverable, shareable, and memorable through our personal branding program – and during our audit process, there’s one simple mistake we see time and time again:

A hidden profile picture on LinkedIn that is not public for all to see.

How to Use the New LinkedIn App to Boost Your Personal Brand via Your Phone

Have you updated the LinkedIn app on your smartphone yet? If not, you should!

There’s no doubt that LinkedIn has become the most important social media platform for building a professional personal brand and while the old LinkedIn app was fine for checking a few updates or accepting a friend request, the clustered functionality and not-so-aesthetically-pleasing user interface somehow limited it’s potential to enable users to enhance their personal brands adequately via mobile.


The new LinkedIn Flagship app aims to provide users with ”a mobile experience that is more intuitive, smarter and dramatically simplifies your LinkedIn experience.”

Personally, I think LinkedIn did a great job reaching this goal.

Here’s how the improved features of the new LinkedIn app can help you boost your personal brand on the go:

Edit Profile & Adjust Settings in the ‘Me’ tab

The new app breaks down its functionalities into 5 tabs: Home, Me, Messaging, My Network, and Search.

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