personal brand Archive

Introducing our Newest Team Member – Jenn Spicer

Jenn Spicer
To achieve true professional success, I believe everyone should feel happiness and fulfillment in their career. And so, I’m thrilled to join Delightful Communications and have the opportunity to relive this belief every day, coaching our clients to reach their career goals by helping them become more discoverable, shareable, and memorable.

As the Personal Brand Program Manager for our personal branding services, I use my experience and skills to manage and grow the program while providing highly-valuable services to our clients that use our creative and analytical skills, coupled with our knowledge of human behavior, to craft the language and strategy our clients need to succeed.

5 Personal Branding Resolutions for the New Year (Or Anytime Really)

5 Personal Branding Resolutions for the New Year

New years can be a great time to check in with your personal branding efforts. New Year’s Resolutions can be polarizing. Some people swear by them, other’s hate them, others could care less. So, if you love new years resolutions, here are some tips to check in with your branding efforts. But if you hate new years resolutions, it’s still a great time to check in. Plus, these tips can really be applied at any time of the year. So, let’s get into it, shall we?

Monitor Your Personal Brand with IFTTT – Delightful Tool Tip

IFTTT, If This Then That, is ‘a free platform that lets you do more with all your apps and devices’. IFTTT is at its core an automation platform that can automate and connect services from Twitter to your Phillips Hue lights to spreadsheets. For examples, you can create an applet to sync your Amazon Alexa to-dos with your iOS reminders.

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So how does it work?

How to Craft a Personal Branding Statement

When we deliver our personal branding workshops and training, one of the exercises is to have people work on a Personal Branding Statement.

How to craft a personal branding statement

The 3 step process starts with what we call “5 in 5” where we all sit down with a partner and talk for five minutes about:

  • Their educational experience
  • Their work experience
  • What they love about what they do
  • What they find hard
  • Where they want to be in 3 years time

We use that information and our internal compass to define and establish a Professional Purpose – the reason why we do what we do and (beyond money) why we get out of bed in the morning.

How to Build a Personal Branding Strategy

As more and more people are coming to Delightful for insight and help with how to build a personal branding strategy and tell their professional stories, we decided to embark on a series of blog posts that gives readers a sense of what they need to think about when putting together a strategy to help build their personal brands and make them more Discoverable, Sharable and Memorable.

This post has been revised and updated based on the feedback we have had from our book on Amazon that has been getting rave reviews:

Introduction to Personal Branding: Ten Steps Towards a New Professional You

We’ve renamed the series: How to Build a Personal Branding Strategy.

Introducing The Personal Brand Lab in Partnership with SMX Coming in 2016

We’re delighted to announce that we are teaming up with Third Door Media, the organizers of the global SMX digital marketing events, to present the inaugural Personal Brand Lab Workshop at SMX West in San Jose on 29th February 2016.

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The explosion in use of digital and social media has created an amazing opportunity for professionals to build an outstanding personal brand so, in response to client demand, the Personal Brand Lab workshop aims to help the attendees understand how to establish themselves as experts and thought-leaders in their niche via digital channels as well as in-person strategies and tactics.

The Personal Brand Lab is designed for C-suite executives, business owners, HR & training managers, PR & executive communications managers, marketers and digital marketing practitioners who want their expertise and experience to be more discoverable, shareable and memorable.

Highlights and takeaways from this personal branding workshop include:

  • An introduction into personal branding and why it’s so important for your career and the success of your company.
  • How to create a personal branding strategy to help your expertise standout in your industry.
  • What you need to do to establish your professional purpose and create a personal branding statement.
  • A comprehensive overview of LinkedIn and other social platforms including real-time profile optimization and networking.
  • Tools overview – what tools you can use to help create, establish and measure your personal brand.
  • How to establish a communication cadence and success measurement framework to keep your personal brand on track.

Register for the Workshop Here

For more information on the workshop or Delightful’s Personal Branding Services contact us through our contact form.


Mel Carson – Founder and Principal Strategist


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