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4 Simple Ways to Stay Creative While Working Remote


Before this pandemic threw a spanner in all of our work, experience drove creative inspiration. Eating something new, traveling or meeting new people helped drive ideas and inspire content.

What happens when that is all gone? What happens when the world that inspired your creativity is suddenly unavailable?

If you are reading this, you probably know the marketing world keeps going and well… you need to keep creating. As Delightful’s Visual Design Specialist, here are 4 ways I am helping drive the inspiration necessary to keep creating fresh B2B marketing content.

A Delightful approach to event marketing: achieve more with content and social media

The Autumn event season is upon us, and the Delightful team is attending and supporting client events around the globe. We love the opportunity to work with companies to amplify and extend the impact of their event marketing through social media and video.


Event amplification allows clients to get more from the significant investment they make in event sponsorship and attendance. It brings the valuable content shared at an event to a larger audience, optimizing it for people “outside the room”.

It also helps to increase the visibility of the personal brands of the leaders and speakers that travel sometimes vast distances to stand on stage and impart their knowledge.

Delightful Helps Bing Ads Bring ClickZ Live NY To Life Through Video

One thing I was most proud of during my time at Microsoft were the videos we created at Advertising Week and the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity.


For about four years I’d travel to these events with a plan to bring them alive for people (as my former boss Jenny Leahy used to put it) “outside the room.”

The videos were then used to promote our presence, be repurposed for other marketing activities and really expand the reach of Microsoft Advertising’s investment in those industry get-togethers.

Recently, the guys from Bing Ads asked me to create one for them. This time I did much of the filming and photography myself and we crowd sourced the rest of the content from other Microsoftees on the ground at the event.

The footage was then sent to my go-to video people >> Cherry Media << in the UK who we worked with in New York and Cannes.

And this was the resulting edit:

You do have to invest in good equipment and editing to create great video, but it doesn’t have to cost the earth. With experience you can start to pick up techniques and visualize how an end edit might look as your filming content at events.

Make sure you check back to the Delightful Blog in a couple of weeks when I’ll be giving some tips on what to look for when filming events for social media amplification.

Thanks for reading/watching!


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