Bianca Hu Archive

4 takeaways for successful global marketing campaigns

“Celebrate Uniqueness” is one of our Delightful principles. With a company culture that encourages inclusivity and diversity, I get the privilege of working with amazing colleagues and clients from different cultures to develop and execute global marketing campaigns.

As someone who grew up in China and now works in the U.S., I’ve been able to see how globalization is bringing different people together to find common ground, but also to realize how huge the difference can be from culture to culture, which is even more prominent in the marketing world.

In this article, I wanted to share with you my biggest takeaways regarding how to develop and keep a global mindset that will help you do cross-cultural and global marketing right.

Social Media in 2017: Data Insights + Being Human = Wins Your Customers in Their Moments

Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the first ever Sysomos Summit in Raleigh, NC. The summit was full of beneficial sessions, and I was thrilled to have the chance to learn from industry leaders at Coca-Cola, Facebook, Google, etc. on the current state, and the future of social media marketing.

Sysomos Social Media 2017

Peter Heffring, CEO of Sysomos, kicked off the summit by addressing the challenge all marketers are facing in nowadays. With 2 million news articles published and 5 billion posts shared on Facebook per day, not only are customers are overwhelmed, but also marketers. Peter used an excellent analogy to describe the situation – a lot of us are stuck in the hunter/gatherer mode, in which we, as marketers, are collecting a huge amount of data, but are not turning them into insight that will help us take further action.

A recent study from Microsoft shows that human attention span is now 8 seconds, shorter than goldfish! So how can marketers get themselves out of the hunter/gatherer mode and take action to win customers’ attention?

By reviewing the huge pile of notes I took during the summit, my conclusion is that:

Data Insights + Being Human = Wins Your Customers in Their Moments

How to Find the Right Influencers for Content Marketing Using BuzzSumo

At Delightful, we believe content marketing and influencer marketing can’t live without each other.

Content can be seen as the currency of most influencer marketing activities and, on the other hand, influencers help amplify content and bring brands the credibility to reach and engage with relevant audience.

However, it’s not easy to find the right influencers to help you create killer content and amplify it. Most influencer marketing tools that can help marketers find influencers evaluate how influential they are based on their social media performance, while the influencers content marketers value the most, are those who write and share not just on social media, but also on their blog and 3rd party publications.


Buzzsumo is the perfect tool to solve this problem for content marketers. By providing powerful content insight, the tool can help marketers find the right influencers to boost their content creation and amplification numbers.

Confluence: Why You Should Include Influencers to Your Content Marketing Strategy

In a digital world, content is the currency of influence. Obviously, most marketers nowadays are aware of the importance of content marketing: according to recent studies, 93% of B2B marketers use content marketing, and 60% of marketers create at least one piece of content each day.


Along with the explosion of content, marketers are challenged to make their voice heard. That’s why influencers should be a part of your content marketing strategy. Traackr Academy of Influencer Marketing recently brought us a new course, Confluence: The Meeting of Content and Influencer Marketing, to help marketers attract and convert customers by aligning influencer and content strategies.

Best Employee Advocacy Platforms to Help You Build An Engaging Program

At Delightful, we believe that brilliant brands are built through people, not just pixels. Compared to branded messages, research shows that people’s words are more likely to be trusted.

Employee advocacy

As one of our clients from Microsoft, Geoffrey Colon, the author of Disruptive Marketing: What Growth Hackers, Data Punks, and Other Hybrid Thinkers Can Teach Us About Navigating the New Normal, expressed in his recent LinkedIn article, brands will continue to be ignored while the influencers you pay may run into the same issues of all paid endorsements. It’s really time to pay attention to your employees who can be the most transparent, authentic, and trustworthy advocates for your brand.

Secrets of a Winning Influencer Marketing Program: Takeaways from the Academy of Influencer Marketing from Traackr

All of us here at Delightful have finished the course from the Academy of Influencer Marketing (AIM) powered by Traackr!

Traackr is a solid influencer marketing platform that Delightful has been using for 2 years to help clients set up and run strategic influencer marketing programs. We love Traackr not just because it’s a great tool, but also it shares a similar methodology on influencer marketing with us which is building authentic and strategic relationships through a value exchange and mutual benefit framework.


The 1.5 hour course provided the Delightful team with a systematic crash course on understanding influencer marketing, identifying and engaging the influencers, setting up an effective influencer marketing program, and defining a measurement framework, etc.

Delightful Communications News: November Recap

November has been another thrilling month with holidays, conferences, plenty of articles and more…

We collaborated with Cohn Creative, on a personal branding video featuring our furry friend Bigfoot. What does he have to do with personal branding you may ask? If you haven’t seen it yet, watch to find out.

If you have, great! We hope you enjoyed it and picked up on some useful tips.

fruits that you need to try

A couple of weeks ago, Mel visited Raleigh, North Carolina to speak at the Internet Summit about all things related to cohesive digital PR strategy: big data, content marketing, and how to reach influencers.

As we approach mid-December with 2016 in sight, be sure to click here to see what experts anticipate will be the content marketing trends and emerging technologies of 2016.

Plus, if you are ready to establish yourself as an expert and thought-leader in your industry, we encourage you to look into the the hands-on Personal Brand Lab workshop @ SMX West on Feb 29th, 2016.

Our very own Mel Carson will be hosting and we would love to see you there!

Delightful Communications has also been featured in a number of articles/virtual events including:

How to Make Your eCommerce Business Stand Out By Creating a Branding Action Plan – with Mel Carson

What Makes Brands Memorable and Why We Need to Make It Personal

Influence Marketing: 7 Key Questions Answered by Industry Experts

That about wraps it up for this month. Thanks for reading!

Andrea Rocha – Digital Marketing Assistant

How to Use the New LinkedIn App to Boost Your Personal Brand via Your Phone

Have you updated the LinkedIn app on your smartphone yet? If not, you should!

There’s no doubt that LinkedIn has become the most important social media platform for building a professional personal brand and while the old LinkedIn app was fine for checking a few updates or accepting a friend request, the clustered functionality and not-so-aesthetically-pleasing user interface somehow limited it’s potential to enable users to enhance their personal brands adequately via mobile.


The new LinkedIn Flagship app aims to provide users with ”a mobile experience that is more intuitive, smarter and dramatically simplifies your LinkedIn experience.”

Personally, I think LinkedIn did a great job reaching this goal.

Here’s how the improved features of the new LinkedIn app can help you boost your personal brand on the go:

Edit Profile & Adjust Settings in the ‘Me’ tab

The new app breaks down its functionalities into 5 tabs: Home, Me, Messaging, My Network, and Search.

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