personal branding workshop Archive

Introducing our Newest Team Member – Jenn Spicer

Jenn Spicer
To achieve true professional success, I believe everyone should feel happiness and fulfillment in their career. And so, I’m thrilled to join Delightful Communications and have the opportunity to relive this belief every day, coaching our clients to reach their career goals by helping them become more discoverable, shareable, and memorable.

As the Personal Brand Program Manager for our personal branding services, I use my experience and skills to manage and grow the program while providing highly-valuable services to our clients that use our creative and analytical skills, coupled with our knowledge of human behavior, to craft the language and strategy our clients need to succeed.

Personal Branding Workshop in Portland for SEMPDX Crew

SEMPDKWe’re delighted to announce those wonderful people at SEMPDX (Portland’s incredibly smart and vibrant digital marketing community) have invited me to speak at an event next month on personal branding.

I’ll be traveling down on the 13th September to deliver this talk which will have some workshop-style interactivity:

Discoverable, Shareable and Memorable: How to Discover and Define Your Personal Brand to Compete Effectively in the New World of Work”

Why Personal Branding? Because It’s Becoming a Real Thing!

As we have had such an amazing response to the book we published on Amazon in January, we have and will continue to put the message out there for Personal Branding.

It’s relevant, practical, and imperative in today’s digital age. But beyond that, it is fun, internally and externally rewarding, and invaluable to the individual pursuing and aiming to fulfill their professional purpose daily.


And here is my favorite part: others are beginning to understand what all the commotion is about too.

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