personal branding Archive

5 Personal Branding Resolutions for the New Year (Or Anytime Really)

5 Personal Branding Resolutions for the New Year

New years can be a great time to check in with your personal branding efforts. New Year’s Resolutions can be polarizing. Some people swear by them, other’s hate them, others could care less. So, if you love new years resolutions, here are some tips to check in with your branding efforts. But if you hate new years resolutions, it’s still a great time to check in. Plus, these tips can really be applied at any time of the year. So, let’s get into it, shall we?

Social Media Trends To Watch For in 2019 with SEMrush

Last week, I had the chance to speak during a SEMrush webinar all about the social media trends to watch for in 2019. I joined the ranks of a superb group of experts, Ashley Ward, Akvile DeFazio, and Gavin Bell.

As 2018 ramps down, it’s important to begin to look toward the new year and prepare for what’s to come. The social media landscape is constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay on top of trends and prepare for what’s to come. 

5 Personal Branding Mistakes You Could Be Making

Personal Branding and the ideas behind developing your personal brand are increasingly talked about and written about here on the internet. However, personal branding is more than a fad, and we’ve discussed the importance of it here at Delightful for years.

While more and more people are focusing on their personal brands, there are several key mistakes that can happen. These mistakes can be detrimental to the success you’ll have in growing your personal brand.

Why Business Cards Are Not Dead and How to Create Great Ones

Business Cards Are Not Dead

When it comes to business cards, I am reminded of a chapter in my book, Pioneers of Digital, where the fabulous Avinash Kaushik talks about how he tested his famous blog – Occam’s Razor – on his wife and fellow work colleagues to get their feedback before he went public with it.

Well, when I started Delightful Communications, I decided to canvas industry peers about many aspects of my start-up, including marketing. What I found was that many people singled out business cards as a no-no. They’d scoff and say, “I don’t need to carry business cards, they’re out-of-date in this digital age.”

business card

Social Media for Personal Branding: Stand Out by Being Social by Design

In the final of 10 installments of our Personal Branding Strategy Series I want to encourage you to use social media for personal branding, to be “social by design”.

I first heard the phrase from Carolyn Everson, my former big boss at Microsoft Advertising and now Head of Global Advertising Solutions at Facebook. Adapted from the industry cry for brands to be “digital by design”, Carolyn’s morphing of the expression is the perfect discipline for the busy professional of today.



Here are a few ideas of what it means to be “social by design”:

Getting your social infrastructure right

I talk about it in detail in the post on How to Optimize Your Personal Brand Online, but this is about making sure your social profiles  – LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. – are set up properly so you’re half way to success. Your profiles need to be discoverable, they need to have the right security settings activated and it needs to be easy for someone to interact with you, understand immediately what you are about, and share whatever you are trying to get out there.

Monitor Your Personal Brand with IFTTT – Delightful Tool Tip

IFTTT, If This Then That, is ‘a free platform that lets you do more with all your apps and devices’. IFTTT is at its core an automation platform that can automate and connect services from Twitter to your Phillips Hue lights to spreadsheets. For examples, you can create an applet to sync your Amazon Alexa to-dos with your iOS reminders.

personal brand kylee

So how does it work?

Amplify Your Personal Brand >> CareerCue Podcast Episode

CareeCue Podcast Personal Branding

In early January, I was invited onto The Career Cue, a podcast focused on career growth, to talk about methods for amplifying your brand with host, Danna Redmond.

We touched on several different topics but started off with something broad—How to differentiate yourself to stand out from other people.

From there, I had a chance to touch on my personal experiences that lead me to the realization of just how important personal branding truly is.

After sharing my story, I talked about my take on why personal branding is important for the average person trying to get his or her next promotion or job, how to brand yourself within a corporate environment, the ins and outs of becoming discoverable, shareable, and memorable, and much, much more.

Introduction to Personal Branding Book Now in Paperback

With the Introduction to Personal Branding Kindle eBook out for just over a year racking up five-star reviews on Amazon, we decided (inspired by our friend Karl Sakas’ pocket guide for agency leaders) to work with the fine people at CreateSpace and publish a paperback version of the book.

Personal Brand Guide Book

We’re very lucky to have our friend Jason Miller, who heads up Global Content Marketing for LinkedIn, write a few kind words about the book.

This is what he said:

“In today’s incredibly competitive landscape you need to stand out; you need to differentiate yourself from the masses, and personal branding is the answer. But what exactly is a personal brand and where does one even begin to proactively manage how the world sees them?

Enter the modern playbook for taking control of your personal brand, based on real world experience, not some philosophical approach. I wish that I had Mel Carson’s guide when I had to re-invent myself several years ago as it would have saved me from a tremendous amount of trial and error.”

Personal Branding Workshop in Portland for SEMPDX Crew

SEMPDKWe’re delighted to announce those wonderful people at SEMPDX (Portland’s incredibly smart and vibrant digital marketing community) have invited me to speak at an event next month on personal branding.

I’ll be traveling down on the 13th September to deliver this talk which will have some workshop-style interactivity:

Discoverable, Shareable and Memorable: How to Discover and Define Your Personal Brand to Compete Effectively in the New World of Work”

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