Personal Branding Archive

How to Choose the Right Social Media Channel for Your Personal Brand

Now that you have crafted your personal brand statementbegun to analyze your competitors, and started to reengineer your digital presence, let’s talk about choosing the right social channel to capture your story and make your personal brand shine.


While publishing across platforms (and linking them together!) is a great way to build your online presence, depending on your niche and professional goals, having a specific focus on the right one can positively elevate the experience your audience and peers have with your personal brand and increase the all important engagement.

Every social channel has its own distinguishing features, from preference of content, to audience size and their attention span, tone and scope. Think about which channel your target audience is on, leverage how active and engaged they are based on data like audience demographics and traffic generation, and then choose the best platform for YOU and your personal brand.

Meet Our New Book: Introduction to Personal Branding

We are delighted to announce our new book has gone live on Amazon:

Introduction to Personal Branding:
10 Steps Toward a New Professional You

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With the rise of digital and social media in the past few years, the internet has presented professionals with a magnificent opportunity to build, polish, and own outstanding personal brands. It’s also becoming more and more important for individuals to understand the practices and disciplines of personal branding to present themselves in an approachable, endearing and enduring way both in the digital world and in-person.

Introducing The Personal Brand Lab in Partnership with SMX Coming in 2016

We’re delighted to announce that we are teaming up with Third Door Media, the organizers of the global SMX digital marketing events, to present the inaugural Personal Brand Lab Workshop at SMX West in San Jose on 29th February 2016.

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The explosion in use of digital and social media has created an amazing opportunity for professionals to build an outstanding personal brand so, in response to client demand, the Personal Brand Lab workshop aims to help the attendees understand how to establish themselves as experts and thought-leaders in their niche via digital channels as well as in-person strategies and tactics.

The Personal Brand Lab is designed for C-suite executives, business owners, HR & training managers, PR & executive communications managers, marketers and digital marketing practitioners who want their expertise and experience to be more discoverable, shareable and memorable.

Highlights and takeaways from this personal branding workshop include:

  • An introduction into personal branding and why it’s so important for your career and the success of your company.
  • How to create a personal branding strategy to help your expertise standout in your industry.
  • What you need to do to establish your professional purpose and create a personal branding statement.
  • A comprehensive overview of LinkedIn and other social platforms including real-time profile optimization and networking.
  • Tools overview – what tools you can use to help create, establish and measure your personal brand.
  • How to establish a communication cadence and success measurement framework to keep your personal brand on track.

Register for the Workshop Here

For more information on the workshop or Delightful’s Personal Branding Services contact us through our contact form.


Mel Carson – Founder and Principal Strategist


How to Use the New LinkedIn App to Boost Your Personal Brand via Your Phone

Have you updated the LinkedIn app on your smartphone yet? If not, you should!

There’s no doubt that LinkedIn has become the most important social media platform for building a professional personal brand and while the old LinkedIn app was fine for checking a few updates or accepting a friend request, the clustered functionality and not-so-aesthetically-pleasing user interface somehow limited it’s potential to enable users to enhance their personal brands adequately via mobile.


The new LinkedIn Flagship app aims to provide users with ”a mobile experience that is more intuitive, smarter and dramatically simplifies your LinkedIn experience.”

Personally, I think LinkedIn did a great job reaching this goal.

Here’s how the improved features of the new LinkedIn app can help you boost your personal brand on the go:

Edit Profile & Adjust Settings in the ‘Me’ tab

The new app breaks down its functionalities into 5 tabs: Home, Me, Messaging, My Network, and Search.

#Podcast: How to Make Your eCommerce Business Stand Out by Creating a Branding Action Plan

Earlier this month, I was invited to share some insights on How to Make eCommerce Business Stand Out by Creating a Branding Action Plan with the listeners of eCommerce Marketing Podcast.


In the latest episode of the podcast series hosted by Robert Kilonzo, Marketing Experts Reveal Top Strategies to Grow Your Store, I was asked to reveal the secrets of how to make your brand stand out, top mistakes people make with building their brands, and tools to put together a successful branding strategy.

Personal Branding Tips and Tactics for Professionals

At Pubcon in Las Vegas earlier this month, our Founder, Mel Carson, shared some actionable insights on Personal Branding and Social Media Strategies together with Mark Traphagen, Senior Director of Online Digital Marketing at Stone Temple Consulting, and Matt Craine, a Brand Strategist at Craine Consulting.

Here’s the presentation Mel had a blast when sharing with the marketers.

Hopefully you will glean some helpful tips from it…

Personal Branding Tips and Tactics for Professionals from Mel Carson

How to Use Pinterest for Personal Branding

When we think about using social media for personal branding, most of us would immediately think of LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, right?

Well, what about Pinterest?


At first glance, you may think of Pinterest as an extremely visual-oriented digital book marketing tool that doesn’t fit in your personal branding strategy unless you are in areas such as retail, fashion, arts, design, etc. But Pinterest can be a terrifically complementary to your digital presence and personal brand no matter what niche you are in.

Gemma Craven, Executive Director of Strategic Markets at Spredfast explained in a webinar with Adweek recently that Pinterest has reached significant scale and maturity with more than 70 million users and 1 billion boards.

Moreover, according to a study from Shareaholic, Pinterest drives more traffic than Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined. We recently uploaded all of our personal branding articles and blog posts on Pinterest, and it has already become the 3rd biggest social referral source to Delightful’s website!

So, are you ready to know how to use Pinterest for personal branding? Let’s get started.

Treat Pinterest differently

Pinterest is a unique social platform in many ways:

Pinterest Difference

PR Week Webinar – Personal Branding with Mel Carson

Join Delightful’s Founder – Mel Carson – and the team from PR Week on Wednesday June 24th at 9.30am PST (12.30pm ET) for a webinar in PR Week’s Performance series entitled: Perfecting Your Personal Brand

Here’s the blurb:

From amplifying efforts on behalf of your brand to making you a stronger representative of your current organization to paving a path to genuine thought leadership, establishing a personal brand is a crucial career-advancement element.

In today’s social media age, it is more important – and challenging – than ever to communicate who you truly are and what you stand for. The benefits of doing so effectively – and, conversely, the issues that could come from doing so ineffectively – can have far-reaching impact.

Presented by Mel Carson, founder and principal strategy consultant at Delightful Communications, former digital marketing evangelist at Microsoft, and frequent speaker on the topic, Perfecting Your Personal Brand will be a 90-minute session detailing the key dos and don’ts of establishing and reinforcing your personal brand.

Crafted specifically for communications pros, this is the latest offering in the PRWeek Performance Series, webinars designed to help you do your job better.

Subjects covered in Perfecting Your Personal Brand will include:

  • Analyzing and improving your current digital footprint
  • Strategies to amplify your best work and instill more trust in your company/clients
  • How your personal brand helps you stand out in a competitive workplace environment
  • Cutting-edge tips to make a better impression offline
  • How to become a thought leader and back up your personal brand claims

Register here for this 90 minute webinar: Perfecting Your Personal Brand Hosted By PR Week

Hope to see you online in a few weeks!

Delightful Communications News: May Recap

May has been an amazing month for Delightful Communications as we’ve been able to share insights broadly on digital marketing and personal branding both online and in-person.

Earlier this month, Mel was invited by the University of Washington Foster School of Business to talk about social media strategy with the students. In back-to-back lectures to two different classes, Mel talked about integrated digital marketing using social media, big data and content marketing to reach new audiences and satisfy current customer demand.

He then stepped up to talk Personal branding with SEMrush and Simplicity Consulting to share ideas on how to build a compelling presence in a professional capacity both online and off it.

Watch the on-demand webinar below if you missed it…

How to Build a Compelling Online Personal Brand

This month we made two more steps further to perfecting your personal branding strategy:

Step 3:  How to Establish Your Professional Purpose

Step 4: How to Lear to Listen and Practice Empathy

Please sign up to The Delightful Times so you don’t miss a single edition!

Also, check out Mel’s new articles on

Improve Your Content Marketing to Increase Your Business’s Reach

8 Digital Experts Entrepreneurs Can Learn From

That’s it for this month, thanks for reading!

Bianca Hu – Delightful’s Digital Marketing Specialist


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